About Me

I'm a perfectionist
and a "Pixel-Peeper"

pərˈfekSH(ə)nəst : A person who refuses to accept any standard short of perfection.

ˈpiksəl ˈpēpər : A person who carefully scrutinizes a digital photograph in order to evaluate resolution and image quality.

In 1997 is when I got into graphic design and photography in 2000.

Ever since, I always push the limits of my work, fussy about the small details that make the perfect shot. I believe in hard post-processing without over doing it. Photo retouching is a must for any project to get it looking its best.

I shoot in very high resolution and always in RAW, using the best lenses I can get my hands on. This lets me offer my clients the sharpest photos available on the market today.

Please get in contact with me for all types of commercial projects. I'm always up for a challenge.